Payments overview
Understanding payments in the Root billing process
Payments are a fundamental part of any insurance operation. It requires delicate planning, careful testing and is a substantial operational overhead in an insurance business. Root makes payments easier by allowing you to use an off-the-shelf managed payments integration, or by allowing you to plug in your unique payments systems into the platform.
- Custom payments integration: this is for when you want to build your own integration to a payment provider, you run your own payments service in your systems architecture, or if you want to collect premiums on your own payments ledger if you are a bank or credit provider.
- Stripe Credit card: this is a managed integration that makes it easy for you to leverage the payment options that Stripe makes available globally. Root is pre-integrated to send and receive payment instructions with Stripe.
- Managed Debit orders (South Africa): Root has pre-existing banking partnerships and managed integrations into the South African banking environment to run debit orders. This makes it easier for you to run debit orders in the market without having to build your own infrastructure.
- Managed Credit card (South Africa): Root has pre-existing integrations to process credit card transactions in South Africa. This makes it easier for you to process credit cards in the market without having to build your own infrastructure.
Updated 9 months ago