Create a new collection module
To create a new collection module and make it available on the Root platform, follow these two steps:
Step 1: Clone collection module from repo
Root offers collection module templates that can be used as a starting point for your build, making it easy to get the first functioning version of your collection module launch quickly.
Clone the repository for the payment provider you need.
Base template
git clone
Stripe template
git clone
Step 2: Create the collection module on the Root platform
Before you can push your collection module to the Root platform for the first time, you need to create the corresponding collection module on the Root platform. This ensures you have something to push your collection module code to.
curl -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Basic {{authToken}}' -d '{
"key": "cm_stripe",
"name": "Stripe CM",
"key_of_collection_module_to_clone": "blank_starter_template"
}' '{{host}}/v1/apps/{{org_id}}/insurance/collection-modules'
Updated 9 months ago
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