Insights overview

Insights is a powerful tool that enables you to visualise and understand your organisation’s performance across key areas such as Overview, Policies, Claims, Applications, Complaints, Payments, and Policyholders. By leveraging pre-configured dashboards and detailed metrics, Insights empowers you to make data-driven decisions and gain a comprehensive view of your business operations.

Insights documentation is divided into two main sections:

  1. Data definitions:
    In this section, you’ll find detailed explanations for each metric displayed in Insights. Each Insight section (e.g., Overview, Policies, Claims, Applications, Complaints, Payments, Policyholders), has a table referencing:
    1. The metrics in that section
    2. Definitions for that metric
    3. Chart type label
    4. Link to query used to calculate the metric
  2. Query reference:
    The Query Reference section outlines the specific queries used to produce the metrics across the various dashboards. It details which queries are associated with each dashboard, offering clear insight into how the data is retrieved and calculated.

These guides serve as your primary resource for understanding the data behind your Insights. Whether you’re troubleshooting issues or integrating with our platform, this documentation is designed to help you unlock the full potential of your organisational data.