Data definitions
The Data Definitions page provides a comprehensive breakdown of each metric featured on Insights. Here, you’ll find detailed descriptions that explain what each metric measures and how it contributes to your overall business insights.
The page is organised by dashboard—covering Overview, Policies, Claims, Applications, Complaints, Payments, and Policyholders—with each section including a table that outlines metric definitions and the underlying queries used to generate them. This resource is designed to help you understand and validate the data driving your decision-making.
Overview insights
This dashboard provides a structured breakdown of the key metrics available in the Overview Dashboard. Each metric offers insights into policy volumes, growth trends, premium collection, and policyholder activity. These metrics help track the overall performance of active and inactive policies, written premiums, and billing trends. By analysing this data, you can monitor policy growth, identify premium fall-off risks, and assess the financial health.
Metric name | Definition | Underlying query |
Total policies | Total number of policies on Root within the selected timeframe. | Overview |
Active policies | The number of policies that are currently active during the selected timeframe. | Overview |
Active policyholders | The count of unique policyholders who have one or more active policies. | Overview |
New policies issued | The number of newly issued policies during the selected timeframe. | Overview |
Net policy growth rate | The percentage change in policy count, considering new policies and those that lapsed or were cancelled. | Overview |
Policies not yet started | The number of policies that have been issued but are not yet active. | Overview |
Policy fall-off | Total number of policies that have lapsed, been cancelled or not taken up within the selected timeframe. | Overview |
Monthly written premium fall-off of inactive policies | The total monetary value of written premiums lost due to policies moving to lapsed, cancelled or not taken up states. | Overview |
Potential written premium of active policies | The total estimated premium value of active policies. | Overview |
Policies billed | The total count of policies that have been billed within the selected timeframe. | Overview |
Collected premiums | The total premium collected from policyholders during the selected timeframe. | Overview |
Claims received | The total monetary amount of claims received from policyholders within the selected timeframe. | Claim overview |
Potential written premium of active policies by product | The breakdown of potential written premium value across different product categories. | Overview |
Policy insights
This dashboard provides a structured breakdown of the key metrics available in Policy insights. Each metric offers valuable insights into policy growth, activity, and status trends.
Metric name | Definition | Underlying query |
Policies | Total number of policies on Root within the selected timeframe. | Reflective policies overview |
Active policies | The number of policies that are currently active during the selected timeframe. | Reflective policies overview |
Active sum assured | The total currency value of sum assured for all active policies. | Reflective policies overview |
Policyholders | The count of unique policyholders who own one or more policies. | Reflective policies overview |
Cumulative policies categorised by policy status | Breakdown of policies by policy statuses (active, cancelled, lapsed, etc.). | Reflective policies |
Policies issued by product | The number of policies issued over time, segmented by different product categories. | Policy issue overview |
Policies issued by channel | The number of policies issued, categorised by the distribution channel through which they were sold. | Policy issue overview |
MoM vs YoY policy growth rate | Policy growth percentage comparing this month to last month (Month-on-month) and this month to the same month last year (Year-on-year). | Growth rate comparison |
Average annual growth rate | Percentage change in policy count on an annual basis. | Growth rate comparison |
Cancelled policies | The number of policies that have been cancelled within the selected timeframe. | Reflective policies overview |
Lapsed policies | The number of policies that have lapsed due to non-payment or inactivity. | Reflective policies overview |
Not taken up policies | The number of policies that were issued but never activated (not taken up). | Reflective policies overview |
Percentage of policies in a fall-off state | The proportion of policies that have reached an inactive state due to lapse, cancellation, or non-take-up. | Terminal policy status percentage |
Average monthly premium per policy | The average monthly premium charged per policy. | Reflective policies overview |
Average sum assured per policy | The average sum assured across all policies within the selected timeframe. | Reflective policies |
Average policy age | The average duration that policies have been active within the selected timeframe. | Policy issue overview |
Application insights
This dashboard provides a structured breakdown of the key metrics available in Application insights. Each metric offers valuable insights into the volume, status, and conversion of applications, helping you track the efficiency of your application pipeline and policy issuance process.
Metric name | Definition | Underlying query |
Applications | The total number of applications submitted within the selected timeframe. | Application events |
Policies issued | The number of policies that have been successfully issued from applications within the selected timeframe. | Application events |
Applications conversion rate | The percentage of submitted applications that resulted in an issued policy. | Application events |
Converted policies | The total monetary value of policies that were successfully converted from applications. | Application events |
Applications categorised by status | The total number of applications, segmented by their current status (pending, issued, archived). | Application status |
Application conversion rate by product | Application conversion rates across different insurance products. | Application events |
Applications by product | Breakdown of applications by different insurance products. | Application events |
Applications by source | Breakdown of applications by different sources. | Application events |
Claim insights
This dashboard provides a structured breakdown of the key metrics available in Claims insights. Each metric offers valuable insights into claims volume, processing status, payout trends, and rejection reasons, helping you monitor claims performance and assess financial risk.
Metric name | Definition | Underlying query |
Claims received | The total number of claims submitted during the selected timeframe. | Reflective claims |
Outstanding claims | The number of claims that are still being processed, awaiting review, or additional information. | Reflective claims |
Claims pending payout | The number of claims that have been approved but are waiting for final payout. | Reflective claims |
Claims closed | The number of claims that have been fully resolved, either through approval and payout or rejection. | Reflective claims |
Claim categorised by outcome | The number of claims categorised by their outcome (acknowledged, in review, pending payout, closed). | Reflective claims |
Claim ratio | The percentage of total premiums earned that have been reserved for claims or paid out as claims. | Claim overview |
Claims under review | The total value of claims that are currently being reviewed and not yet approved for payout within the selected timeframe. | Reflective claims |
Claims paid | The total amount paid out for claims that have been successfully settled within the selected timeframe. | Reflective claims |
Premiums earned | The total value of premiums collected within the selected timeframe. | Claim overview |
Claim ratio by product | The claim ratio performance across different insurance products. | Claim overview |
Repudiated claims | The number of claims that have been repudiated within the selected timeframe. | Reflective claims |
Average beneficiaries per policy | The average number of beneficiaries associated with each policy. | Claim overview |
Top rejection reasons | The top reasons for claim rejections – this graph cannot be filtered by timeframe or product. Format of rejection reasons is dependent on agent input during claim review. | Rejection reason |
Average value of paid out claim | The average payout amount for claims that have been processed and paid. | Reflective claims |
Average value of requested claim | The average amount requested by claimants before approval or rejection. | Reflective claims |
Average resolution time | The average duration from claim submission to final resolution. | Claim overview |
Average time to resolve a claim by product | The average time taken to resolve claims by product. | Claim overview |
Policyholder insights
This dashboard provides key insights into policyholders, including total and active counts, policy distribution, premiums, claims, and demographic trends. It helps you understand customer behaviour and risk profiles.
Metric name | Definition | Underlying query |
Policyholder count | The total number of unique policyholders, including those with active, inactive, or cancelled policies. | Policyholder overview |
Active policyholder count | The total number of policyholders with at least one active policy | Policyholder overview |
Policy count | The average number of policies held by each policyholder. | Policyholder overview |
Sum assured | The average sum assured across all policies held by a policyholder. | Policyholder overview |
Monthly premium | The average monthly premium amount per policyholder. | Policyholder overview |
Premium paid | The total value of premiums successfully collected from each policyholder. | Policyholder overview |
Policy age | The average duration that policies have been active across all policyholders. | Policyholder overview |
Average time to cancellation | The average time from policy activation to cancellation. | Policyholder overview |
Beneficiary count per policy | The average number of beneficiaries linked to each policy. | Policyholder overview |
Claim count | The total number of claims submitted per policyholder. | Policyholder overview |
Claim value | The average amount requested at the time of claim submission per policyholder. | Policyholder overview |
Customer age | The average age of policyholders based on their date of birth. | Policyholder overview |
Gender split of total policyholders | The distribution of policyholders by gender | Policyholder graphs - gender |
Breakdown of customer locations | A geographical breakdown of policyholders based on their recorded location. | Policyholder graphs - location |
Payment insights
This dashboard provides a structured breakdown of the key metrics available in Payment insights. Each metric offers valuable insights into payment collections, success rates, policy activity, and failure trends.
Metric name | Definition | Underlying query |
Ratio of payments managed by Root | The proportion of total collection attempts that were processed by Root. Calculated by dividing the number of Root-managed collections by the total collection count. | Payment history |
Collection attempts | The total number of collection attempts made within the selected timeframe. | Payment history |
Collection success rate | The percentage of successful collection attempts relative to total attempts in the selected timeframe. | Payment history |
Premium billed | The total amount of premium billed for policies during the selected timeframe. | Payment history |
Value of collection attempts versus Number of collection attempts | Comparison of the total value of collection attempts against the number of collection attempts over the selected period. | Payment history |
Active policies | The total number of policies that had at least one successful collection in the selected timeframe. | Policies plus payments |
Active policies versus Billed policies | Comparison of the number of active policies (policies with a successful collection) versus the number of billed policies. | Policies plus payments |
Average policies billed daily | The average number of policies that were billed per day within the selected timeframe. | Payment history |
Average collection value | The average amount collected per successful collection attempt. | Payment history |
Lowest collection value | The minimum value of a successful collection. | Payment history |
Highest collection value | The maximum value of a successful collection. | Payment history |
Collection attempts by Payment status | A breakdown of collection attempts by their payment status (e.g., successful, failed, pending). | Payment history |
Collection attempts by Collection type | A breakdown of collection attempts by the type of collection method (e.g., debit order, external payment). | Payment history |
Collection attempts by Bank | A breakdown of collection attempts by the associated bank, categorised by payment status. | Payment method breakdown |
Missed collections | The total number of failed collection attempts over the selected timeframe. | Payment history |
Policies with at least one missed collection | The total number of unique policies that had at least one failed collection attempt over the selected timeframe. | Payment history |
Blocked payment methods | The number of payment methods that have been blocked due to repeated failed collection attempts. | Payment history |
Value of missed collection attempts by Failure reason | A breakdown of the total value of missed collections, categorised by the reason for failure (e.g., insufficient funds, account closed). | Payment history |
Updated 3 days ago