

claim_id string
The identifier of the claim.
created_at string
Time at which the claim was opened.
policy_id string
The identifier of the policy attached to this claim. May initially be omitted.
policyholder_id string
The identifier of the policyholder for this claim. May initially be omitted.
member_id string
The identifier of the member for this claim. Only used for group scheme policies. May initially be omitted.
covered_item_id string
The identifier of the covered item that this claim is against. If opened against a policy that supports covered items, this is required.
claim_status string
Whether the claim is 'open', 'closed', 'finalized' or 'acknowledged'.
approval_status string
Whether the claim has been 'approved' or 'repudiated', has been approved 'goodwill', is a 'no-claim' or whether a decision is still 'pending'.
app_data object,null
null is allowed. An object containing additional custom data for the claim.
requested_amount integer,null
null is allowed. The requested payout amount (in cents) for the claim.
granted_amount integer,null
null is allowed. The granted payout amount (in cents) for the claim.
created_by object,null
null is allowed. An object indicating the user or API key that created the claim. See Authentication.


  "claim_id": "d3d13c48-4dc3-4816-8d01-de3215878225",
  "created_at": "2017-10-16T10:12:02.872Z",
  "policy_id": "8349345c-a6c5-4bf9-8ebb-6bbfc1628715",
  "member_id": "673b8081-9668-4136-97cc-6ae0debda083",
  "covered_item_id": "9dc39b57-cdc7-48f9-a303-d7c4f0421a0c",
  "claim_status": "open",
  "app_data": {
    "key1": "value 1",
    "key2": "value 2"
  "approval_status": "pending",
  "requested_amount": 13000000,
  "granted_amount": 9400000,
  "created_by": {
    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
    "type": "user"