Root release update | April 2023

What's new this month? 🚀

  • Improved Workbench IntelliSense

    • We've added expanded type definitions for product module code function parameters, allowing for an improved builder experience in VS Code. You can assign TypeScript types to function parameters using JSDoc comments and start reaping the benefits of better type safety and IntelliSense functionality, while still coding in JavaScript. You can grab the JSDoc comments for your code functions from the relevant Event hooks & actions guides.
    • We've also added a $schema property to .root-config.json, so you can now get VS Code IntelliSense for this file even if the product module directory is not opened as the root of your workspace.
  • Simplify Your Workflow with Workbench Enhancements

    • rp logs: We've added a new command to the workbench CLI (rp logs), allowing you to quickly view recent product module execution logs. To enable this, we've extended the dashboard to let you create an API key with the necessary permissions to read product module execution logs. Simply create a new sandbox API key with the read product module run logs permission, and you're good to go! Read the docs.
    • Diff check improvements: In addition, we've improved the diff check functionality when using rp pull or rp push. The differences displayed between the local and remote product module definitions now include the correct file path, making it easier for you to identify change you’ve made to your product module.
  • Send policy document links to your customers via SMS and email

    You can now add shortened policy document links in SMS and email notifications by inserting a new handlebars helper into notification templates, which will generate shortened URLs for easy access to important information. Documents are password protected and the platform tracks when the links are clicked.. For more information on this feature take a look at our guides here.
  • We’ve moved Insights to a new home on Root Dashboard

    We've enhanced our dashboard by relocating the Insights add-on to the Data Management tab within the specialised tooling section. This change means easier access to the data you need to make informed decisions.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share them with your Project Lead or submit them via the Root product roadmap so that we can take them into account.

Let's build this awesome new future of insurance together 💪