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Cooling off period refund testing not working after rp pushing

After pushing version 90.5 to the OneSpark organisation (id d00e0ea4-0ee2-4c08-804d-61df85ca32ec) at 08:47:22 on Oct 31, I created policy number 899D385451 (id 4860bc3f-690f-400d-abb1-7cf7f72bb3ec) around 08:52:19 on Oct 31.

I then proceeded to allocate an EFT payment for the policy a few minutes later from the policy details screen ( and then proceeded to cancel the policy.

My expected result was that no refund would be allocated since the version pushed contains config which indicates the following:
"coolingOffPeriod": { "applyTo": { "theFullPolicy": null } },

A refund was erroneously created.

This is now the 3rd time I've ran this test and each time I end up getting the same result. I'm changing only the .root-config.json file and pushing from local doing rp push --force. Is that sufficient in testing this? (This is the way we test all changes before pushing to the dev branch)