Root release update | September 2021

What's new this month? 🚀

  • Public payments update endpoint

    A new endpoint for public update payments is now available.

  • Starter template organization

    We’ve introduced a starter template organization and product module that automagically gets replicated when you create a new organization on the dashboard.

  • Payments Data Source Filters

    The payments data source, used for data exports, can now be filtered using updated_at (instead of the currently used finalized_at). This means that payments that have not yet been finalized (pending, submitted etc) will also be included in payments data exports.

  • Sandbox API keys support

    The workbench can now be used with sandbox API keys.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share with your account manager or submit it via the Root product roadmap so that we can take it into account.

Let's build this awesome new future of insurance together 💪