Root release update | November 2021

What's new this month? πŸš€

  • API docs are now configured as YAML

    Previously, API docs were configured as a JSON file in the local product module directory. This makes some aspects of configuring the API docs less user friendly, such as including JSON snippets as example API requests and responses.
    When cloning a product module, the API docs will now be written to the local directory as a YAML file. In existing directories, api-docs.json and its contents will automatically be converted to api-docs.yaml when using rp push or rp pull.
    This feature is part of a new release - please use npm i -g @rootplatform/cli to update your CLI tool to the latest version.

  • Product module javascript soft validation

    With the mission to become tech touch, we introduced the soft validation features for product modules. Any code that has invalid javascript will now not be logged as a platform error but rather as a product module error which can be viewed in the product module code run logs.

  • New policy activation settings

    Root now offers the following new policy activation settings for product modules:

    • Activate the policy when it is issued,
    • Activate the policy when the payment method is assigned,
    • Activate the policy when the first successful premium payment is received,
    • Other, as defined in the product module code i.e. handled externally.
  • Job prioritisation for OTP SMS'

    We’ve introduced job prioritisation to ensure that OTP SMS’ are handled with the highest priority, to ensure there is no delay in sending OTP codes.

  • Notification status tracking

    Platform is now integrated with Mailchimp and Clickatell status updates to provide more granular status tracking. This means that notifications will now display as queued, sent, or opened (where available), along with status tracking history in the activity bar events on the dashboard. This change also provides more stability and better error handling.
    Note: Status updates from Mailchimp, particularly the β€œopened” update, can take up to 30 minutes to come through. This is handled by Mailchimp and is out of Root's control.

  • Notification data source

    You now have access to a new data exports data source for notifications. This will allow you to bulk export all emails and SMS’ via the familiar data export tooling.

  • Honorific title additions

    We have now appended 3 new honorific titles to all endpoints that have the title attribute. The new titles are the following: adv, ms and prof. We have also updated root web to include these new titles.

  • Support for additional banks

    • Added support for Mercantile
    • Added support for uBank
    • Added support for PostBank
  • Root schema number input accepts floats

    Currently when using the Root schema number input a user can only input integer values. The component has now been extended to optionally have the ability to also accept decimal (float) values.
    In order to allow the Root schema number input component to accept a float value, a prop of decimal: true needs to be provided in the schema config.

  • Communication event Alteration Package Applied

    The platform now enables you to automatically sends out email and SMS notifications when a policy is updated. The notifications are sent to the policy holder and includes the updated policy schedule document.
    As an administrator, you can enable the communication event for alteration package applied via the communications settings on the dashboard.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share with your account manager or submit it via the Root product roadmap so that we can take it into account.

Let's build this awesome new future of insurance together πŸ’ͺ