Root release update | May 2022

What's new this month? 🚀

  • Root Developer Hub

    Root’s developer guides and docs are now publicly available on our new Developer Hub allowing you to start working with Root as quickly as possible.


Please note that the old docs have been deprecated. You will still be able to access them until 30 June 2022 after which they will be switched off and redirected to the Developer Hub.

  • Root Embed | Sales Add-on

    Root Embed | Sales is a new offering aimed at fast-tracking the transformation of our clients’ insurance offering into a digital experience. Enabling Root Embed is a fast and easy way to seamlessly add insurance into your own digital customer-facing front-ends, web & mobile, with no more than a few lines of code.
    Root Embed | Sales provides a complete mobile-responsive self-service policy issuing experience, from quote generation to policy creation on the Root Platform.
    Contact your account manager today to learn more about Root Embed.

  • Extend payment coupon framework

    The payment coupon framework has been enhanced to allow for additional flexibility when scheduling payment holidays. Changes include:

    • Payment holidays can now be scheduled in advance for a future date.
    • Root now supports different types of coupons: payment holiday and ad-hoc coupons.
    • RootClient SDK functions to be used in module code have been exposed to create/cancel/redeem/reverse coupons.
    • Coupon lifecycle hooks have been updated.
    • Data exports now support payment coupons.
  • Ability to select from existing payment methods in the policy issuing flow

    Previously when issuing a policy from an application, the dashboard did not display existing payment methods for the selected policyholder. We added the ability to select existing payment methods (if there are any for the specified policyholder) for n improved dashboard experience.

  • Next collection day has been added to the payment method card of the policies view

    The next collection date has been added to the payment method card in the policy view. This is the actual date on which the premium is collected. This takes into account weekends, public holidays and product module settings i.e. lead time.

  • Fulfilment Requests data source

    The fulfilment requests data source has now been added to the data export tooling (Platform / Web).

  • The policy & fulfilment requests datasources have been extended

    • The payment method object can now be referenced from the policy data exports.
    • The policy object can now be referenced from the fulfilment requests data exports.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share with your account manager or submit it via the Root product roadmap so that we can take it into account.

Let's build this awesome new future of insurance together 💪