Root release update | August 2021

What's new this month? 🚀

  • Optimised policy premiums data export query

    An optimisation has been made to the policy premiums data source export query which will significantly improve the performance of larger policy premium data exports.

  • DebiCheck data exports

    A data source has been added to enable creating data exports for DebiCheck mandates.

  • Workbench CLI diff checker and sandbox merge-vars

    Update your CLI to version 0.0.25 using npm update -g @rootplatform/[email protected] and do a rp pull to have your PM updated to the latest version.
    Code linting - users can now leverage the power of eslint in their product module code - this command will render code style inconsistencies to users, this command also allows auto-fixing of these through the cli command.
    Updated merge variables - we now have the complete set of policy merge variables for generating product module documentation. Users can also now provide a sandbox policy id to the cli command to pull in sandbox policy data into the documentation merge variables
    Intellisense - intellisense has been enabled for the CLI tool including:

    • All product module code functions
    • Complete list of dynamic schema components
    • Complete list of blocks components
      Diff checking - users will now be promoted when their local code changes differ from the latest updated product module contents, with the specific areas that differ. Users will then be prompted to either override or update their local changes with those in the latest definition
  • Issue policies from a draft version of a product module

    The long awaited ability to issue a policy from a draft product module in a sandbox environment is now live! This feature is available when the new policy issuing flow is enabled for an organisation. This now allows product innovators to test new draft versions of product modules in sandbox mode.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share with your account manager or submit it via the Root product roadmap so that we can take it into account.

Let's build this awesome new future of insurance together 💪