Root release update | January 2022

What's new this month? 🚀

  • Google Places autocomplete for address input

    We added Google Places autocomplete to the dashboard to make it easier to capture full and correct address details. Users can now search for addresses using Google Places. On selection of an address, all address fields are auto-populated. We also store the geo-coordinates from the selected Google Place. To enable this feature for your organisation, please contact Root support.

  • Area code validation for address input

    This feature ensures that dashboard users insert valid area codes when capturing policyholder details. When inserting a South African address, this feature validates that the area code is correct.

  • Rename product modules

    You can now rename your product module directly via the workbench section in the dashboard. The new name will automatically apply to all of your product module versions. Please note that the product module must be owned by the organisation the user belongs to, and the user needs workbench permissions in their role, in order to modify the product module.

  • Transaction history (ledger) on policy view

    The transaction history of a policy can now be accessed in the policy detail view. The transaction history includes details around items linked to the ledger entries and shows a running balance. Please note this feature is in beta state. To enable the transaction history for your organisation, please contact Root support.

  • New dashboard navigation

    You now have access to our new and improved dashboard navigation making it even easier for you to find your way around the dashboard. The new menus for admins are:

    • Workbench: Here, you can find all dashboard tools for managing and configuring product modules, communications, data exports, and more. 🛠
    • Organization: Here, you can configure the setup of your organization, including settings for webhooks, users, roles, API keys and add-ons, and more. ⚙️
  • "What's new on Root" feed on dashboard

    We added a notifications section to the dashboard where we will provide dashboard users with important announcements and updates around new Root features.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please share with your account manager or submit it via the Root product roadmap so that we can take it into account.

Let's build this awesome new future of insurance together 💪